There are some services that you can’t get if the service provider doesn’t know where you get your money and the source and for that reason, you must proof to show that you are in a position to pay for the services. When you want a loan and you are self-employed, you need to know that there is no one who will give you the loan f they can’t be convinced that you can pay for it unlike for the employed who they are sure they will get a salary at the end of the month and they can take their share directly from the employer. There is much information that you need to know concerning the issue of how to prove income and this article will highlight some.

When proof of income may be needed. Every person that you want some services that will require that you pay after a certain time will ask you about your sources of income and if you can afford and they will also want to show that through evidence and such cases buying insurance cover, tax audits, taking a loan, rent and mortgage, and many others. You need to prove to all the people that you are going to get those services that have already been discussed above and therefore you should prepare documents that will show your capability. Lets now discuss how you can get to prove your income.

Also a bank statement is a valid document that you can show to those in need of you proofing your income. Getting a bank statement is very easy and hence you can always get it and give it to confirm that you have money and for that reason spending on paying the apartment will not be a bother to you. This document talks more about your transactions and it does not only show the amount you earn from the employer but also from other sources including what you deposit and the amount you spend.

Tax returns are also used as proof of income to those that are self-employed. Tax returns is another document that people use whenever they do not other documents that can help them rent an apartment. If you have been remitting your taxes after a year, this document will not capture the previous information. You can read more on how to proove income at

You can also create your own pay stub. Pay stubs are mostly used by those that are employed but also a self-employed person can make their own pay stubs. You do not need to hire anyone for this since there are pay stub makers that are used to generate pays stubs with ease. Get more info on self employment on this page: